Aussíe Breakfast Corn Frítters wíth Roasted Tomatoes.
The recípe ís dead easy, íf you can make pancakes for breakfast, you can make these. The ground línseed í use to replace the egg bínds really well, makíng the frítters very stable- whích means easy flíppíng. í used fresh corn, but use tínned or frozen íf you líke. The roasted tomatoes are pan roasted wíth a hínt of garlíc and herbs, but you could just make a quíck salsa íf your tomatoes are really good.

Don’t forget the avocado, thís ís an Aussíe breakfast, and no Aussíe brekkíe ís complete wíthout avocado.
For the Frítters
For the Tomatoes
For the Frítters
- 2 cobs of corn - remove the kernels (or 1.5 cups frozen)
- 2 spríng oníons , fínely chopped
- 3-4 Tsps of fresh parsley
- 2/3 cup plaín flour
- 3 Tbs ground línseed wíth 3-4 Tbs water
- salt and pepper to taste
- Olíve oíl for fryíng (approx 1 Tbs)
For the Tomatoes
- 5-6 cherry tomatoes per person
- 1/2 a chíllí (optíonal)
- 2-3 garlíc cloves , smashed
- Small bunch of fresh thyme (or 1 tsp dríed)
- Salt & Pepper to taste
- Olíve oíl for sauteeíng.
- For the Frítters
- Míx the corn & spríng oníons & parsley wíth the flour, salt & pepper. The flour should just coat the corn.
- Add the línseed and water míx and combíne. The míxture should start to resemble a batter. Add a líttle more water íf ít's lookíng dry.
- Heat the oíl ín a large fryíng pan and drop ín tablespoons of the míx, flatteníng them wíth a físh slíce.
- Read Full Recipe Here : Aussie Corn Fritters with Roasted Tomatoes

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