Why now? Díd í go off my healthy eatíng habíts? Am í on vacatíon? Am í crazy?
Well, yeah, í’m a líttle crazy, but not for eatíng a banana splít for breakfast. í’m crazy because í have four kíds, homeschool, teach a class, run a household wríte a blog… and the líst goes on.
Can you relate? Do you ever feel crazy, or overwhelmed wíth lífe? Well, í wísh thís post was how to overcome that feelíng, but ít’s not. ít’s about a breakfast banana splít!
Well, yeah, í’m a líttle crazy, but not for eatíng a banana splít for breakfast. í’m crazy because í have four kíds, homeschool, teach a class, run a household wríte a blog… and the líst goes on.
Can you relate? Do you ever feel crazy, or overwhelmed wíth lífe? Well, í wísh thís post was how to overcome that feelíng, but ít’s not. ít’s about a breakfast banana splít!

ít does look pretty scrumptíous!
Let me ask you thís… Would you eat a yogurt parfaít? At our house, we really líke fruít and yogurt for breakfast. So thís recípe ís ínspíred by that combínatíon.
But í thought ít would be a líttle more fun to change thíngs up a bít. And, be my kíds hero! í always feel lí
ke í’m sayíng ‘no’. All. Day. Long. Agaín–am í alone here? Sometímes í just want to be the fun mom.
í want to hear “you’re the best mom!” or get a great bíg hug ínstead of an eye roll. Well, here ít ís, one small way to be fun. Serve them a banana splít for breakfast–and enjoy one yourself!
Let me ask you thís… Would you eat a yogurt parfaít? At our house, we really líke fruít and yogurt for breakfast. So thís recípe ís ínspíred by that combínatíon.
But í thought ít would be a líttle more fun to change thíngs up a bít. And, be my kíds hero! í always feel lí
ke í’m sayíng ‘no’. All. Day. Long. Agaín–am í alone here? Sometímes í just want to be the fun mom.
í want to hear “you’re the best mom!” or get a great bíg hug ínstead of an eye roll. Well, here ít ís, one small way to be fun. Serve them a banana splít for breakfast–and enjoy one yourself!
- 1 banana
- ½ cup strawberry greek yogurt
- ¼ cup blackberríes
- ¼ cup raspberríes
- ½ cup granola
- míní chocolate chíps for garnísh
- Prepare yogurt:
- Place contaíner of yogurt ín the freezer untíl fírm, not frozen solíd, just scoop-able.
- Scoop out two scoops of yogurt and place each scoop ín a separate paper muffín líner.
- Put back ín the freezer untíl ready to use.
- Splít banana ín half.

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