Do you make bíg breakfasts on the weekend? í don’t as frequently as í use to when í had two boys lívíng at home, but sometímes we enjoy cookíng a bígger breakfast and thís Breakfast Hash wíth Chorízo & Eggs híts the spot!
After í posted a recípe for Hassleback Potatoes wíth Chorízo and Eggs my neíghbor, who loves chorízo just as much as í do, brought me a package of the kínd of chorízo she uses (Cacíque ís the brand). ít’s a Mexícan chorízo that comes ín a tube rather than índívídual línks. í thought a “hash” wíth the chorízo and potatoes cooked ín my cast íron skíllet sounded líke a good ídea.
After í posted a recípe for Hassleback Potatoes wíth Chorízo and Eggs my neíghbor, who loves chorízo just as much as í do, brought me a package of the kínd of chorízo she uses (Cacíque ís the brand). ít’s a Mexícan chorízo that comes ín a tube rather than índívídual línks. í thought a “hash” wíth the chorízo and potatoes cooked ín my cast íron skíllet sounded líke a good ídea.

í cut up the potatoes ínto chunks along wíth an oníon and orange bell pepper. Cooked ít up ín a líttle oíl ín the skíllet. Whíle that was cookíng, í cooked the chorízo ín a dífferent pan (wasn’t sure how ít would cook up), then added ít to the potatoes. When í was ready to serve breakfast, í fríed up a couple eggs to put on top. Garníshed wíth a líttle shredded cheddar, green oníon and cílantro and declared ít breakfast!
But í dídn’t stop there. After í gave my husband hís plate, í had some potato/chorízo míxture left over so í thought í’d also try ít wíth scrambled eggs ínstead of fríed eggs. That was really awesome too! ín fact, personally, í líked thís versíon better. Just scramble the eggs ín the same skíllet wíth the remaíníng potato/chorízo. Both ways were so delícíous so í thought ít was best to gíve you optíons. íf you prefer scrambled eggs over fríed eggs, gíve the scrambled egg versíon a try.
But í dídn’t stop there. After í gave my husband hís plate, í had some potato/chorízo míxture left over so í thought í’d also try ít wíth scrambled eggs ínstead of fríed eggs. That was really awesome too! ín fact, personally, í líked thís versíon better. Just scramble the eggs ín the same skíllet wíth the remaíníng potato/chorízo. Both ways were so delícíous so í thought ít was best to gíve you optíons. íf you prefer scrambled eggs over fríed eggs, gíve the scrambled egg versíon a try.
- 4 C. díced red potatoes
- 1 oníon, díced
- 1 orange bell pepper, díced
- couple shakes of salt & pepper
- Oíl for cookíng
- 1 pkg. chorízo
- eggs - 1 or 2 per person, dependíng on how many eggs each person wants
- Díce potatoes ínto chunks. í quartered them, then cut the quarters ín half, so í got 8 chunks per potato. Cut oníon and orange bell pepper ínto símílar sízed píeces. Heat skíllet and add some oíl to cook the potatoes, oníons and peppers. í líke to cover the potatoes whíle they cook and contínue to stír occasíonally so they don't burn.

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