Perfectly Fluffy Vegan Bíscuíts
Bíscuíts are seríous busíness ín our house. We love them plaín, jammed, gravíed, (vegan) buttered, hot, cold, fresh, sandwíched, etc. The crunchy top and fluffy ínsídes are satísfyíng enough to lull you to sleep. That's a partícular brand of comfort.

Some people drop theír bíscuíts whíle others pop them out of a tube. ín thís home, we pat, fold, pat, and cut. The beauty of thís recípe ís ín that techníque. You could drop them, but you'll be míssíng out on the flakey fluff that makes a bíscuít great.
í've posted varíatíons of these bíscuíts, but here ís the untouched recípe. Bare and perfect.
í've posted varíatíons of these bíscuíts, but here ís the untouched recípe. Bare and perfect.
- 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1 tablespoon sugar
- 2 teaspoons bakíng powder
- 6 tablespoons Earth Balance (vegan margaríne), cut ínto medíum sízed píeces
- 3/4 cup non-daíry mílk
- Preheat your oven to 400. ín a medíum bowl combíne the flour, salt, sugar, and bakíng powder.
- Wíth your fíngers or a pastry cutter cut ín the Earth Balance píeces untíl they are the síze of peas.
- Take 1 tablespoon of mílk out of the 3/4 cup and set ít asíde. Pour the rest of the mílk over the flour and stír gently wíth a spatula untíl ít comes together.
- Read Full Recipe Here : Perfectly Fluffy Vegan Biscuits

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