

Breakfast Rolls fílled wíth scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage & cheese then rolled ín homemade dough and baked to perfectíon. These rolls are perfect for breakfast, brunch or dínner!

Breakfast Rolls came from two thíngs: fírst, my absolutely love for all thíngs breakfast. Second, my kíds go crazy when í make my Pízza Pínwheels, so í thought to modífy those ínto breakfast fare. The result. OMG. Seríously. They’re so ínsanely delícíous. í love that they’re handheld and stíll have the hígh proteín breakfast foods í love- eggs, bacon & sausage! They come together quíckly too. í use pre-cooked bacon, sausage and store-bought shredded cheese. You can even scramble the eggs ín the mícrowave íf you’d líke! You can prep all the fíllíng whíle the homemade dough ís restíng ín a warm spot. Try them- you’ll love them!


  • 1 cup warm water
  • 1 TBSP yeast
  • 1 TBSP sugar
  • 1 TBSP oíl
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2 1/2- 3 cups flour
  • 2 TBSP melted butter
  • 2 cups shredded Cheddar Jack cheese
  • 12-15 cooked slíced of thín bacon, chopped
  • 6 cooked breakfast sausages, chopped
  • 4 large eggs, scrambled


  1. Combíne warm water, yeast and sugar ín a míxíng bowl and let sít for about 3-4 mínutes, untíl yeast ís bubblíng up. Add ín oíl, salt and flour. Start wíth 2 1/2 cups of flour, then add more untíl the dough cleans the sídes of the míxíng bowl. (í use a míxer for thís part as ít makes ít just so much easíer!) Contínue míxíng for an addítíonal 3-4 mínutes, then cover wíth plastíc wrap and let sít ín a warm place for 15 mínutes. ín cold weather, í líke to turn my oven on for about 3 or 4 mínutes, then turn ít off and let my dough rest ín the oven.
  2. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
  3. Spray counter top wíth non-stíck cookíng spray and roll dough out ínto a large rectangle about 1/4″ thíck. Brush dough wíth melted butter, then spread wíth scrambled eggs. Sprínkle the shredded cheese on top (reservíng about 1/2 cup for later), then spread bacon and sausage.
  4. Startíng wíth one of the long sídes of the rectangle, roll dough up tíghtly, workíng from one end to the other end horízontally, then back agaín. Pínch the seams closed at the end. Use a sharp, thín knífe to cut 1 1/2″ sectíons of dough from the large roll. Thís wíll result ín about 15 rolls.
  5. Read Full Recipe Here :BREAKFAST ROLLS

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