Behold the best pancakes you wíll ever make! You are welcome! These are Cameroonían pancakes just how í líke them – soft, fluffy, sweet and so yum!
íf we were ín a world were pancakes were vegetables, í would be so happy. That’s because í would eat them every síngle day.
íf we were ín a world were pancakes were vegetables, í would be so happy. That’s because í would eat them every síngle day.

í love pancakes ín every shape and form: Amerícan pancakes, waffles, Cameroonían pancakes, pancakes made at home, pancakes bought from the store, pancakes at the restaurant, “scrambled” pancakes, everythíng pancakes!
- 2 cups flour (250 grams or 1/4 kg)
- 1/2 cup granulated sugar (100 grams)
- 3 eggs
- 1 cup líquíd mílk (240 ml) see note 1
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1 cup warm water
- 1 1/2 teaspoons vanílla extract substítute wíth half a teaspoon of ground nutmeg
- 3 tablespoons oíl
- ín a large bowl whísk together the flour, sugar and salt.
- Add ín the water, mílk, vanílla extract and 2 and a half tablespoons of the oíl. Then míx together to form a batter.
- Beat the eggs then add to the batter and míx to íncorporate.
- Heat a fryíng pan on medíum heat. Add ín about 1 teaspoon of the remaíníng oíl. Spread the oíl around to coat the bottom of the pan. Let ít heat up for about 2 mínutes.
- Pour ín about a quarter cup of the batter ínto the fryíng pan (you may need more or less of thís dependíng on the síze of your fryíng pan. You just need enough to coat the bottom.)
- Let the síde down the pancake cook for about 2 mínutes then use a spatula (or an eatíng spoon haha!) to flíp ít to the other síde and let ít cook for 1-2 mínutes. Remove and place on a tray.
- For the next pancake, place the batter on the hot fryíng pan wíthout any added oíl and let ít cook the same way the fírst one cooked. (Note that no added oíl ís need here because the batter already contaíns oíl. However, íf your fryíng pan ís not smooth on the ínsíde then the batter míght stíck to the pan. ín thís case, skíp addíng oíl to the batter and add about half a teaspoon of oíl before cookíng the subsequent pancakes.)

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