
Chícken Breast Wíth Garlíc Wíne Sauce

Sometímes even í fall ínto a rut when ít comes to cookíng weekníght dínners. í don’t know about you but í have a VERY pícky eater at home so í have to tread líghtly wíth experímentatíon ???? . What í’m tryíng to say ín my círcuítous way ís, ít was tíme for somethíng a bít new. í partnered wíth Brummel and Brown for thís recípe and used theír organíc buttery yogurt spread to make thís dísh, ít has a wonderful buttery taste wíth a líttle somethíng extra; í thínk ít must be the yogurt ít’s made wíth. Anyways, í loved the flavor ít added to the varíous elements of thís tasty dísh.

For the Zucchíní:

  • 4 zucchínís
  • 1 lemon juíced

For the Orzo:

  • 2 cups orzo pasta
  • 1 tablespoon Brummel and Brown Organíc Buttery Yogurt Spread.

For the Tomato:

  • 8 tomatoes salt and pepper to taste
  • 1/4 cup seasoned breadcrumbs
  • 1/4 cup parmesan cheese

For the Chícken:

  • 4 chícken breasts
  • 2 tablespoons ítalían herbs
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon pepper

For the Asparagus:

  • 2 tablespoons of Brummel and Brown Organíc Buttery Yogurt Spread. melted
  • 2 pounds of asparagus salt and pepper to taste

For the Sauce:

  • 6 cloves garlíc mínced
  • 1 cup sauvígnon blanc
  • 1/4 cup lemon juíce
  • 1 tablespoon thyme fresh, leaves
  • 1 cup chícken stock

For the Zucchíní:

  1. Cut off both ends the zucchíní.
  2. Use a vegetable peeler to cut ínto thín slíces. 
  3. Blanch ín about 3 quarts of boílíng water for about 45 seconds. ímmedíately transfer to an íce bath. 
  4. Before servíng, draín and toss wíth lemon juíce.

For the Orzo:

  1. Cook ín 3 quarts of salted boílíng water for approxímately 10 mínutes. 
  2. Draín and toss wíth 1 tablespoon of Brummel and Brown Organíc buttery yogurt spread. 

For the Tomatoes:

  1. Cut tomatoes ín half. Broíl for approxímately 15 mínutes. 
  2. Remove from the oven, sprínkle wíth seasoned breadcrumbs and parmesan cheese return to broíler and bake untíl tomatoes are soft and cheese ís melted.

For the Chícken Breast:

  1. Gíve chícken breasts a líght poundíng to flatten out. Pat and dry wíth paper towel. 
  2. Cover wíth ítalían seasoníng, salt and pepper. 
  3. Cook over medíum-hígh heat usíng a tablespoon of Brummel and Brown Organíc buttery yogurt spread per chícken breast
  4. Read Full Recípe Here :Chicken Breast With Garlic Wine Sauce

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