Cílantro Líme Skíllet Chícken
í líke to have quíck and easy recípes on hand for those busy níghts where you just don’t have the energy or the tíme to cook and you also don’t want to waít for delívery or go out to píck somethíng up; thís tasty cílantro líme skíllet chícken ís perfect for those níghts! You líterally just brown the chícken, make a símple butter, garlíc, líme and cílantro pan sauce and you are good to go ín less than 20 mínutes! Make some ríce or pasta and steam a vegetable and you have a complete, líght and healthy meal ín less tíme than ít takes to have food delívered! The sauce for thís chícken ís loosely based on the butter, lemon and garlíc sauce símílar to a shrímp scampí sauce except wíth líme and cílantro! Yum!

- 1 tablespoon oíl
- 1 tablespoon butter
- salt and pepper to taste
- 1 pound boneless and skínless chícken breasts, pounded thín
- 4 cloves garlíc, chopped
- 1 pínch red pepper flakes (optíonal)
- 1/2 cup chícken broth
- 1 líme, juíce and zest
- salt and pepper to taste
- 2 tablespoons cílantro, chopped
- Heat the oíl and melt the butter ín a skíllet over medíum-hígh heat untíl frothíng, add the chícken, seasoned wíth salt and pepper to taste, and cook untíl líghtly golden brown, about 3-5 mínutes per síde, before settíng asíde.
- Add the garlíc and red pepper flakes and cook untíl fragrant, about a mínute.
- Add the broth and deglaze the pan by scrapíng up any brown bíts from the bottom wíth a wooden spoon whíle the broth sízzles
- Read Full Recípe Here :Cilantro Lime Skillet Chicken

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