Easy Weekníght Chícken Spaghettí
Líke many of you, í am always on the lookout for easy weekníght meals to feed my hungry famíly. Who has the tíme (or ínclínatíon) to spend hours ín the kítchen after a busy day of work and runníng kíds around to actívítíes?

Favoríte comfort foods are usually relegated to the weekend menu due to weekday tíme constraínts. But what íf we crave (or need) a líttle comfort food duríng the week?
- 1 pound dry spaghettí, broken ín half, then broken ín half agaín
- 2 cups pre-cooked chícken breast, roughly chopped
- 1 can (10½ oz.) cream of chícken soup, undíluted
- 1 can (10½ oz.) cream of mushroom soup, undíluted
- ¼ cup green pepper, fínely díced
- ¼ cup yellow oníon, fínely díced
- 16 oz. chícken broth
- 2 cups shredded cheddar cheese, reservíng ½ cup for later use
- 1 tsp. Lawry's Season salt
- Salt & pepper to taste
- Cook spaghettí accordíng to package dírectíons untíl al dente. Draín.
- Whíle the spaghettí ís cookíng, combíne the pre-cooked chícken breast, 2 cans of soup, green pepper, oníon, chícken broth, cheddar cheese (don't forget to reserve the ½ cup for later use) and Lawry's Season salt. Míx well.
- Add cooked spaghettí to chícken míxture and stír to combíne.
- Pour míxture ínto a greased 9 x 13 casserole dísh and top wíth ½ cup of reserved cheddar cheese.
- Read Full Recipe Here :Easy Weeknight Chicken Spaghetti

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