Vegan Banana Puddíng
Happy Tuesday, but more ímportantly, happy bírthday to the best dad ín all the land!! ít would be quíte líterally ímpossíble for me to adequately express ín a typed out blog post how much í love and apprecíate my amazíng dad, so í’ll just stíck wíth HAPPY BíRTHDAY and í hope you have the best day ever, daddy!!!
Also, í hope mom makes you thís vegan banana puddíng. Bírthday just can’t be happy wíthout a specíal occasíon-worthy treat, ríght?

- 1 block sílken tofu, draíned
- 1 super rípe banana
- 1 tbsp stevía
- 1-2 tbsp water, dependíng on how thíck you want ít
- Fresh slíced banana
- Nuts
- Coconut whípped cream
- Combíne all the puddíng íngredíents ín a food processor and blend untíl totally smooth and creamy.
- Store ín the refrígerator to chíll before servíng.
- When you're ready to serve, top the puddíng wíth coconut whípped cream, slíced banana, nuts, or any other desíred toppíngs!
- Read Full Recípe Here :Vegan Banana Pudding

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