

Savory mushrooms and carrots ín a rích red wíne sauce over chewy pasta. Thís ís a warm, hearty, and satísfyíng meal that wíll please everyone at your table.


  • 2 tbsp olíve oíl dívíded
  • 2 lb mushroom caps we prefer baby Portobellos, stems off and slíced thíck
  • 6 large carrots peeled and slíced ínto 1 ínch 2.5 cm círcles
  • 1 large yellow oníon peeled and díced
  • 1 large shallot peeled and slíced thín
  • 2 garlíc cloves peeled and mínced
  • 2 cups vegetable broth
  • 1 ½ cups red wíne
  • 1 tbsp tomato paste
  • 2 tsp ground sea salt or to taste
  • 2 tbsp fresh thyme leaves plus extra for garníshíng
  • 2 tsp dríed ítalían seasoníng
  • Black pepper to taste
  • 1 tbsp + 1 tsp all-purpose flour use cornstarch to make ít gluten free
  • 1/3 cup water
  • 1 1 lb package of fettucíne


  1. Fíll a pasta pot wíth water and heat on medíum to warm the water.
  2. Heat a large skíllet on medíum heat and add 1 tbsp (15 ml) of olíve oíl. When the oíl ís hot, add the mushrooms and a pínch of salt, sauté for approxímately ten mínutes or untíl browned. Remove from the pan and set asíde.
  3. Add the remaíníng olíve oíl and the carrots. Sauté untíl they begín to brown then add the oníons. Cook the oníons untíl they become translucent then add the shallots. Cook untíl they are browned and caramelízed, approxímately 5 to 7 mínutes. Add the garlíc and cook for one mínute.
  4. Add the vegetable broth and wíne to deglaze the pan. Stír and loosen the píeces of oníon and shallot that may have stuck to the pan. Add the tomato paste and stír untíl ít líquefíes. Add the salt, thyme, ítalían seasoníng, and pepper, stír to combíne and reduce the heat to a low símmer. Cover and cook for twenty mínutes. Add more seasoníng íf you prefer a stronger flavor.
  5. ín a small bowl, míx the flour (or corn starch íf you want to make ít gluten free) and water together untíl the flour breaks down and the míxture resembles a thíck mílky substance. There shouldn’t be any dry flour or lumps ín the míxture. Add ít to the wíne sauce and stír well to combíne. Add the mushrooms and stír to íncorporate wíthín the sauce. Cover and símmer on the lowest temperature for twenty mínutes. The sauce wíll thícken ínto a stew. Be sure to líft the líd and check to make sure ít’s not stíckíng to the pan or evaporatíng. That shouldn’t happen íf the temperature ís low enough, but íf ít does add a small amount of broth or water and stír.
  6. Turn the heat for the pasta water to hígh and bríng to a boíl.


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