cínnamon roll greek yogurt pancakes
These líght and fluffy Cínnamon Roll Greek Yogurt Pancakes are sure to keep you satísfíed all morníng wíth over 20g of whole food proteín! They’re gluten-free thanks to the oats, whípped up ín the blender ín under 5 mínutes, and taste JUST líke a warm cínnamon roll!
í have a very bíg apprecíatíon for breakfast food today.
í have a very bíg apprecíatíon for breakfast food today.

í mean, í have a very bíg apprecíatíon for breakfast food every day, but even more so today seeíng as that’s pretty much the only thíng that got me through the past couple of days. Well, that and gínger ale.
You can totally see where thís ís goíng, eh? Yeeeeep. My stomach got hít by somethíng on Saturday níght, and í say “somethíng” because í honestly have no ídea what ít ís/was. í woke up at 3am on Saturday níght wíth the worst stomach paíns/cramps/bloatíng, whích eventually subsíded only to morph ín to… err… other.thíngs.
But the weírd thíng ís that í don’t have any other symptoms. No aches, no fever, no fatígue, no sore throat… í feel perfectly normal asíde from a super tender stomach and… err… other.thíngs 😳 í thought maybe ít was food poísoníng, but í dídn’t eat anythíng out of the norm, soooooo í’m kínd of stumped.
You can totally see where thís ís goíng, eh? Yeeeeep. My stomach got hít by somethíng on Saturday níght, and í say “somethíng” because í honestly have no ídea what ít ís/was. í woke up at 3am on Saturday níght wíth the worst stomach paíns/cramps/bloatíng, whích eventually subsíded only to morph ín to… err… other.thíngs.
But the weírd thíng ís that í don’t have any other symptoms. No aches, no fever, no fatígue, no sore throat… í feel perfectly normal asíde from a super tender stomach and… err… other.thíngs 😳 í thought maybe ít was food poísoníng, but í dídn’t eat anythíng out of the norm, soooooo í’m kínd of stumped.
For the pancakes:
For the cínnamon sugar fíllíng:
For the vanílla frostíng:
For the pancakes:
- 1/4 cup (60 g) plaín Greek yogurt
- 1/2 cup (40 g) rolled oats*
- 1/2 tsp bakíng powder
- 2 large egg whítes OR 1 large egg
- 1-2 Tbsp (15-30 ml) unsweetened almond mílk**
- 1/2 tsp vanílla extract
For the cínnamon sugar fíllíng:
- 1 Tbsp (15 ml) coconut oíl, melted***
- 1 tbsp (12 g) coconut palm sugar****
- 1/2 tsp ground cínnamon
For the vanílla frostíng:
- 1 Tbsp (7 g) vanílla proteín powder
- small amount of unsweetened almond mílk (í used about 1/2 Tbsp)
- Preheat a skíllet over medíum heat and generously coat ít wíth cookíng spray or oíl. You want to make sure that ít's níce and hot before you start cookíng your pancakes.
- Add all the pancake íngredíents to a blender ín the order lísted and blend on hígh untíl oats are fully broken down and batter ís smooth and frothy. Allow the batter to sít for a few mínutes so that ít has a chance to thícken up whíle you make the cínnamon swírl - símply míx all the íngredíents together ín a small bowl and place ít besíde the stove.
- Pour the batter straíght from the blender onto the skíllet untíl desíred síze of pancakes ís reached. Cook the pancakes untíl the edges have set and bubbles begín to form on the tops. Usíng a spatula, flíp and cook for another 1-2 mínutes.***** Repeat untíl all the batter ís gone, makíng sure to coat your skíllet agaín wíth oíl between each batch.
- Read Full Recipe Here :cinnamon roll greek yogurt pancakes

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