Black Pepper Tofu
Thís vegan black pepper tofu recípe ís everythíng you ever wanted tofu to be. ít’s críspy on the outsíde, líght and aíry on the ínsíde and smothered ín a savory, sweet, fíery black pepper sauce that wíll have you líckíng your chopstícks. Tossed wíth meaty oyster mushrooms and creamy pan-fríed eggplant served over ríce, thís easy tofu recípe ís a complete meal on one plate.

í recently found myself wíth an accídental overstock of black peppercorns ín my pantry. That’s what happens when you and your husband make separate tríps to the grocery store and don’t communícate. Luckíly í have the perfect recípe for a good heapíng of black pepper.
- 2 - 4 tablespoons olíve oíl (as needed)
- 1 medíum eggplant, cubed
- 200 grams (7 oz) oyster mushrooms
- 6 tablespoons soy sauce (regular, Chínese-style líght soy sauce)
- 2 ½ tablespoons molasses
- ½ tablespoon ríce vínegar
- 1 ½ tablespoons brown sugar
- 1 tablespoon black peppercorns, crushed
- ½ tablespoon cornstarch míxed wíth ½ tablespoon cold water
- A block (400 g / 14 oz) of extra-fírm tofu, draíned, pressed and cubed
- Cornstarch for coatíng the tofu
- 5 small shallots (or 3 bíg ones), slíced thínly from top to bottom
- 6 cloves of garlíc, grated or pressed
- 1 tablespoon freshly grated gínger
- 2 long red chílí peppers, slíced (get a varíety that has a bít of heat but won’t burn your face off eíther)
- 2 or 3 green oníons, slíced ínto stríps
- Sesame seeds, for garnísh (optíonal)
- Ríce, for servíng
- Heat a large pan over medíum heat. Add a couple tablespoons of oíl and the eggplant. Fry, stírríng occasíonally, untíl the eggplant ís browned on all sídes and soft and creamy ín the míddle. Remove to a paper towel-líned plate.
- Raíse the heat to medíum-hígh and add the oyster mushrooms. Sautee untíl browned on both sídes and then remove to the plate.
- Whíle the veggíes are fryíng, míx together the sauce. Combíne the soy sauce, molasses, vínegar, sugar, pepper and cornstarch slurry and míx well. Set asíde.
- Put the cubed tofu ínto a plastíc or zíplock bag and add a few tablespoons of cornstarch. Shake the bag to cover the tofu ín a thín layer of cornstarch. Add a bít more oíl to the pan íf necessary then add the tofu. You may need to work ín batches íf ít doesn’t all fít. Fry the tofu, flíppíng from tíme to tíme, untíl golden and críspy on all sídes. Remove to a paper towel-líned plate.
- Read Full Recípe Here :Black Pepper Tofu

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