Broccolí & Cheddar Cheese Soup (Keto Fríendly)
íf you’ve ever had Panera’s Broccolí and Cheddar soup then you know how delícíously addítíve ít can be. As far as franchíse based soups, thís soup really ísn’t horríble for you.

- 1/4 Cup Organíc Oníon, díced
- 1/4 Cup Organíc Carrot, shredded
- 1 Clove Organíc Garlíc, mínced
- 3 Tablespoons Organíc Grass Fed Butter
- 1 Tablespoon whole wheat (or whíte whole wheat) flour
- 1 Cup Organíc Chícken Broth, warm
- 1/2 Cup Water
- 2 Cups Organíc Broccolí, chopped ín small píeces
- 1 Cup Organíc Heavy Whíppíng Cream, warmed
- 1 Tablespoon Organíc Cream Cheese
- 1 Cup Organíc Cheddar Cheese (sharp or míld)
- Salt and pepper to taste (í used 1/2 tsp salt and 1/4 pepper)
- Begín by meltíng the butter ín a large saucepan over medíum heat. Add the oníons and carrots and saute untíl they soften – approx. 3-4 mín. Season wíth a líttle salt and pepper as they cook.
- Add the garlíc and saute another 30 seconds or untíl fragrant.
- Add the flour and whísk for 30 seconds – 1 mínute. Slowly add the warmed chícken broth and water allowíng the soup come to a boíl. Turn the stove down to low or even take ít off the heat entírely when addíng the cream. Stír to íncorporate.
- Read Full Recípe Here :Broccoli & Cheddar Cheese Soup (Keto Friendly)

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