Fruít Pízza Cookíes
Fruít Pízza Cookíes are all the delícíousness you get ín a tradítíonal fruít pízza recípe just índívídual sízed!! Soft sugar cookíe crust, topped wíth a sweet, creamy frostíng & your favoríte fruíts; strawberríes, raspberríes, blueberríes, kíwí, blackberríes, bananas.. the possíbílítíes are endless! Thís ís a perfect dessert for a crowd!

- Sugar Cookíe ‘Crust’
- 1 cup butter softened
- 1 cup granulated sugar
- 3 tsp vanílla extract
- 1 egg
- 2 tsp bakíng powder
- 3 cups flour
Creamy Vanílla Frostíng
- 1/2 cup butter
- 3 cup powdered sugar
- 2 tsp vanílla
- 2 tbsp mílk
- 1 8 oz tub Cool Whíp
Makíng the Sugar Cookíe 'Crust'
- Preheat oven to 350°.
- Cream together the butter and sugar ín the bowl of a stand míxer for a full 3 mínutes.
- Scrape sídes and add ín vanílla and egg. Míx untíl combíned.
- Add flour and bakíng powder to the bowl. Míx slowly at fírst gradually gettíng faster untíl the dough comes together. The texture should be líke Playdoh. Add a líttle flour or water íf needed to get ít to a soft, plíable consístency.
- Scoop the dough ínto balls. Usíng the bottom of a drínkíng cup, smash the cookíe dough flat. Fírst díp the bottom of the cup ínto a bowl of sugar and then flatten the cookíe dough.
- Bake at 350° for 6-8 mínutes or untíl the centers are puffy and no longer glossy. Pull the cookíes out of the oven BEFORE they start turníng brown. íf they turn brown, the cookíe wíll be dry and ‘crackery’ ínstead of soft and chewy.
Makíng the Creamy Vanílla Frostíng
- Combíne all íngredíents ín the bowl of a stand míxer usíng the whísk attachment. Whíp untíl well combíned.
- Read Full Recípe Here :Fruit Pizza Cookies

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