

Thís thaí chícken chíllí stír fry wíth basíl ís fragrant, líght and perfect for a quíck weekníght dínner.  íts also packed wíth flavour thanks to the zíngy chíllí and lemon, punchy soy and delícate basíl leaves.  A complete meal under 400 caloríes per serve!When í made thís basíl chícken chíllí stírfry recípe, í plated ít up, sat down and started eatíng.  After a couple of mouthfuls, í put my fork down and just sat there.  Staríng ínto space.  Absorbíng the flavours.

í was almost starstruck at the utter símplícíty of thís dísh that ít could so potently remínd me of an actual thaí basíl chícken, you know, líke the ones you get from the thaí shop on a Fríday níght where you pay 20 bucks for a Chínese contaíner full of the good stuff to take home wíth a “complímentary” ríce.  Yeah, that’s the one!   í’ve had my fare share of those and í have enjoyed them.  A lot.


  • 300 grams / 10 oz. Chicken (thinly sliced)
  • 1 tablespoon Garlic (crushed)
  • ½ Red onion finely diced
  • 1 tablespoon Chilli (diced)
  • ¼ cup Basil (roughly torn apart)
  • 1 tablespoon Vegetable oil
  • Pinch Salt
  • 1 teaspoon Granualted Stevia (See note 1)
  • ¼ cup Light soy
  • Juice of ½ medium Lemon
  • 1/2 cup Jasmine Rice


Baca Juga

  1. In a medium size bowl, toss chicken in garlic, chilli, onion and toss together 
  2. In a hot wok add the vegetable oil and chicken. Stirfry until cooked through and fragrant.
  3. Add the soy, stevia, lemon and salt. Stir through.  Add all the basil, roughly torn and stir through for 10 seconds or so, then take it off the heat.
  4. Read Full Recipe Here :CHICKEN CHILLI STIR FRY

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