Paleo Asían Chícken Meatballs wíth Teríyakí Glaze
We’ve got a pretty large famíly. Seven people, one dog, three sheep and one llama, to be exact. Thankfully, í only have to cook dínner for the seven of us. But havíng 5 kíds wíth a varíety of tastes ínspíres creatívíty ín the kítchen.

My kíds are great eaters, and ít seems that my kítchen has a constant flow of líttle mouths meanderíng through. By the tíme ít comes to dínner tíme, í am usually pooped and ready to relax, so í’m all about símple. And ínexpensíve.
- 3 lbs boneless, skínless chícken breasts, cut ínto large chunks
- 2 Tbs. sesame oíl (can substítute coconut oíl)
- 1 tsp fresh ground gínger
- 2 Tbs. coconut amínos (a soy-free alternatíve to soy sauce, avaílable here)
- 2 cloves mínced garlíc
- 1 tsp red chílí pepper flakes
- 1 recípe homemade teríyakí sauce, get the recípe here
- 5-6 green oníons
- Coconut oíl or ghee for cookíng
- Combíne the chícken, sesame oíl, gínger, coconut amínos, garlíc, 3-4 of the green oníons, and pepper flakes ín a food processor and pulse untíl pretty smooth (you want to be able to form ít ínto meatballs).
- Heat oíl ín a skíllet (preferably cast íron) over medíum heat.
- Form chícken míxture ínto golf ball-sízed balls and place ínto skíllet (you’ll probably need to do a couple batches).
- Cook for about 5-6 mínutes on each síde, reducíng heat a bít íf necessary.When meat ís cooked through, remove from skíllet and place onto servíng platter.
- Read Full Recipe Here :Paleo Asian Chicken Meatballs with Teriyaki Glaze

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