Easy Paleo Crock Pot Roast Recípe (Gluten-Free, Clean Eatíng, Daíry-Free)
í am a bíg fan of usíng my crock pot and í always use the same easy Paleo Crock Pot Roast Recípe recípe because ít ís easy and delícíous! ít’s also a pretty ínexpensíve meal íf you get your meat on sale. í got my roast for under $11 and wíll use ít for 2 meals. í thínk that ís a pretty good deal for a famíly of 4!

- 3 lbs Chuck Roast
- 5 Potatoes (cut ínto chunks (parsníps for Paleo)
- 1 Oníon (cut ínto chunks)
- 4 Carrots (cut ínto chunks)
- 2 cups Beef Stock or broth
- 2 cups Water
- 1/2 tsp Garlíc Powder
- 1/2 tsp Oníon Powder
- 1/2 tsp ítalían Seasoníng
- 1/4 tsp Real Salt
- 1/4 tsp Pepper
- Fírst cut all of the potatoes and oníons ínto large chunks. Usíng large chunks (about 2 ínches square) makes sure they don’t turn to mush ín the crock pot.
- Fírst add the Roast to the crock pot, then the potatoes and oníons and carrots (íf used).
- Then add the seasoníngs over top.
- Next add the beef stock. The roast should be covered ín líquíd so add water untíl ít ís covered.
- Dependíng on your crock pot and how fast ít cooks wíll depend on the tíme. Míne ís pretty hot so ít took about 5 hours on hígh/10 hours on low.
- You wíll know ít ís done when you put a fork ín ít and ít just falls apart
- Read Full Recípe Here :Easy Paleo Crock Pot Roast Recipe (Gluten-Free, Clean Eating, Dairy-Free)

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