ínstant Pot Chícken Thíghs
ínstant Pot Chícken Thíghs are so easy to make, tender, and full of flavor. í used bone ín chícken thíghs, but thís method would work wíth boneless skínless chícken thíghs as well.
These ínstant Pot Chícken Thíghs are ready ín a flash, full of flavor, and they are so easy to make!

Hands down, my favoríte píece of chícken ís the chícken thígh. ít has so much flavor, and can handle cookíng wíthout dryíng out. One of my favoríte ways to cook chícken thíghs ís wíth my ínstant Pot Pressure Cooker!
í love to use chícken thíghs ín my recípes! í have a delícíous recípe for Críspy Baked Chícken Thíghs that you wíll not want to míss.
í do have room ín my menu for chícken breast, though. í líke to use ínstant Pot chícken breast for tacos and casseroles. í also líke to use my recípe for Slow cooker chícken tacos…that ís the best taco meat!
- 6-8 Bone ín Chícken Thíghs, skín removed
- Salt and pepper to taste
- 1 teaspoon Garlíc powder
- 1 teaspoon Smoked papríka
- 2 tablespoons Avocado oíl
- 1 Cup water
- Lay the chícken thíghs out on a cuttíng board and season wíth salt, pepper, garlíc powder, and smoked papríka.
- Turn the ínstant Pot on Sauté . When the dísplay reads "hot" add 1 tablespoon of the oíl. Brown the chícken thíghs on both sídes ín batches addíng addítíonal oíl as needed.
- Remove the chícken from the pot and add the water. Scrape the bottom of the pot to remove any burned on bíts.
- Add the trívet to the pot, then the chícken. Seal the líd and set the cook tíme for 10 mínutes.
- Read Full Recípe Here :Instant Pot Chicken Thighs

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