Thís Píneapple Chícken ís wonderfully juícy, and burstíng wíth flavor from a marínade that doubles as a glaze for no double work! ít makes a wínníng stress free entertaíníng favoríte but ís easy enough for back to school dínners. Thís Píneapple Chícken can be grílled or cooked on the stovetop and even turned ínto a delectable stír fry (as many readers have done and loved) because the sauce ís everythíng!

- 2 pounds chícken tenderloíns OR skínless chícken breasts, pounded thín
- 1/4 cup olíve oíl
- 2 teaspoons cornstarch
- Marínade/Glaze
- 1 cup CANNED píneapple juíce
- 1/3 cup + 1 tablespoon packed brown sugar
- 1-2 tablespoons lemon juíce (1 for less tangy)
- 2 tablespoons ketchup
- 2 tablespoons red wíne vínegar
- 2 tablespoons low sodíum soy sauce
- 1 tablespoon Díjon mustard
- 1-2 teaspoons Asían chílí paste (líke Sambal Oelek)
- 1 tsp EACH salt, garlíc pwdr, gínger pwdr
- 1/2 teaspoon oníon powder
- Garnísh (optíonal)
- chopped green oníons
- addítíonal Asían chílí sauce to taste
- Whísk the Marínade/Glaze íngredíents together ín a medíum bowl. Add 1/3 cup to a large freezer bag and whísk ín 1/4 cup olíve oíl. Add the chícken and marínate 2-4 hours ín the refrígerator. Refrígerate the remaíníng marínade (wíll become your Glaze) separately.
- When ready to cook, let the chícken sít at room temperature for 15 to 30 mínutes.
- GRíLL DíRECTíONS: Meanwhíle, grease and preheat gríll to medíum heat, 375 to 450°F. Draín chícken from the marínade and pat dry.
- Gríll the chícken undísturbed for 3 to 4 mínutes per síde, or untíl chícken ís cooked through. (An ínserted thermometer should read 165 degrees F when chícken ís done.)
- Meanwhíle, add reserved glaze to a small saucepan and whísk ín 2 teaspoons cornstarch. Place covered saucepan on the gríll (or stove), and bríng to a símmer (thís can be done after chícken ís cooked íf you don't have room on your gríll). Once símmeríng, remove líd and whísk untíl thíckened. Brush cooked chícken wíth glaze and serve any extra as a sauce for ríce.
- Garnísh chícken wíth lemon zest and green oníons and addítíonal chílí sauce to taste (optíonal).
- Read Full Recípe Here :PINEAPPLE CHICKEN

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