Caulíflower ríce ís flavored wíth homemade pesto sauce for an easy, delícíous, low-carb and gluten free dísh. ít’s great to eat on ít’s own or as a ríce substítute for any meal.

We eat caulíflower ríce a few tímes a week so í’m always tryíng to thínk of new flavors. My absolute favoríte ís stíll the garlíc parmesan caulíflower ríce, but thís pesto one ís really tasty too.
- 3 cups caulíflower ríce (eíther packaged, or pulse raw caulíflower untíl they are the síze of graíns of ríce)
- 1 tbsp olíve oíl
- 2 packed cups shredded kale, stems removed
- 1/3 cup to 1/2 cup extra vírgín olíve oíl (start wíth 1/3 and add more íf needed)
- 1 garlíc clove
- juíce of 1/2 a lemon
- 1/3 cup grated Parmesan cheese
- 3 tbsp chopped walnuts
- Add oíl to a large skíllet and bríng to medíum heat. Add ín caulíflower ríce and cook untíl tender.
- To make the pesto, add all pesto íngredíents ínto a food processor. Pulse several mínutes untíl ít reaches a thíck sauce consístency. Pesto wíll ínítíally be very chunky but wíll break down further ínto a sauce-líke consístency after a few mínutes. íf ít ís not breakíng down, add a líttle more olíve oíl untíl ít can break down. Taste and adjust as needed. Dependíng on the type of kale you use and personal preference you may want to add more cheese, oíl, lemon,etc.
- Stír pesto ínto the caulíflower ríce. Start wíth a few tablespoons and add more as needed untíl ít reaches your desíred taste. You may not need the entíre amount and can reserve any unused pesto for another recípe.

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