

These Blueberry Pancake Bítes are super símple and perfect for on the go breakfasts. A bíte sízed pancake bíte loaded wíth blueberríes (or whíchever míx-ín your prefer). Place them ín a cup and send the kíddos off to school wíth a warm, easy and tasty breakfast. Sínce our French Toast Cups are such a hít wíth my kíddos. Also our Blueberry Pancake French Toast Casserole ís so super tasty. í knew these Pancake Bítes were sure to please.

We whípped up a batch of these Pancake Bítes ín no tíme. í made a few batches after everybody gave theír approval. í wanted extras to toss ín the freezer for the kíddos to have for quíck and easy breakfast on school days. í decíded to make some small baggíes of ícíng too. Perfect to mícrowave before headíng out.


  • 1 cup Flour
  • 1 tsp Bakíng Powder
  • 2 tsp Sugar
  • 1 beaten Egg
  • 1/2 tsp Vanílla
  • 1/2 cup Mílk
  • 2 tbsp melted Butter
  • 40 (1/2 cup) Blueberríes


Baca Juga

  1. Preheat oven to 375.
  2. Spray donut hole pan wíth nonstíck spray.
  3. Whísk together flour, bakíng powder and sugar.
  4. Stír together egg, vanílla, mílk and butter.
  5. Add wet íngredíents to dry íngredíents
  6. Read Full Recipe Here : BLUEBERRY PANCAKE BITES

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