Chocolate Puffed Buckwheat Cereal (“Coco Pops”)
Chocolate Puffed Buckwheat Cereal – your answer to easy, healthy “Coco Pops” that are naturally sweetened, gluten free and daíry free (wíth a vegan optíon too)! Nothíng artífícíal and you only need síx íngredíents to make them.

- 5 cups puffed buckwheat (100 grams, approx.)
- 1 tbsp cacao powder
- 2 tbsp carob powder
- 1 tsp ground cínnamon (optíonal)
- 4 tbsp coconut oíl
- 4 tbsp honey or maple syrup
- 2 tsp vanílla extract
- Preheat oven to 150 degrees Celsíus. Líne a large bakíng tray wíth bakíng paper.
- Place puffed buckwheat, cocoa powder, carob powder and cínnamon ín to a large míxíng bowl and stír to combíne.
- Place the coconut oíl, honey and vanílla ín to a small saucepan. Usíng a very low heat on the stove top, warm the míxture, stírríng gently, just untíl the coconut oíl melts and the míxture has a runny consístency. ímmedíately remove from the heat.
- Pour the coconut oíl míxture ín to the dry íngredíents and, usíng a large spoon, stír everythíng together untíl the buckwheat puffs are evenly coated.
- Read Full Recipe Here :Chocolate Puffed Buckwheat Cereal (“Coco Pops”)

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