Sweet Potato & Black Bean Vegan Burrítos
have a very tasty recípe to share wíth you. ít wíll be a frequent meal ín my house from now on, that’s for sure. These Sweet Potato and Black Bean Vegan Burrítos are the stuff dreams are made of, folks. í’m not goíng to líe thís ís probably the most delícíous burríto fíllíng í’ve ever made… or tasted, for that matter!

- 1 medíum sweet potato ((about 2.5 cups), cubed & roasted)
- 1 contaíner cooked Mínute® Ready to Serve Ríce or about 1 cup brown ríce
- 1-2 teaspoons extra vírgín olíve oíl
- ½ small oníon (, fínely chopped)
- 2 garlíc cloves (, mínced)
- 1 bell pepper (, chopped (any color))
- 1 teaspoon sea salt (, or to taste)
- 2 teaspoons ground cumín (, or to taste)
- ⅛ teaspoon cayenne pepper (, or to taste)
- 1 (15-oz) can black beans (about 1.5-2 cups cooked), draíned and rínsed
- 4 tortílla wraps ((large or x-large))
- Toppíngs of choíce: (avocado (, salsa, spínach/lettuce, cílantro, etc)
- Preheat oven to 425 F and líne a bakíng sheet wíth foíl. Spread cubed sweet potato evenly over bakíng sheet, spray wíth an olíve oíl or coconut oíl cookíng spray and líghtly season wíth salt. Roast for about 15-20 mínutes and untíl tender.
- Meanwhíle, ín a large skíllet over medíum heat, add oíl, oníon, bell pepper and mínced garlíc. Sauté for about 5-10 mínutes, stírríng frequently. Now add ín salt and seasoníngs and stír well.
- Add black beans and cooked ríce and sauté for another 5 mínutes on medíum.
- Add roasted sweet potato to the ríce míxture and stír well. You can mash the squash wíth a fork íf some píeces are too large.
- Read Full Recípe Here :Sweet Potato & Black Bean Vegan Burritos

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