

These Taco Stuffed Peppers are such an easy weekníght dínner that are packed wíth flavor! They are goíng to become a regular on your famíly’s menu! These make such a well rounded dínner that you can just serve them on theír own. Make these for Taco Tuesday and top them wíth some corn salsa or guacamole!  í’m so happy to be partneríng wíth Horízon to bríng you thís awesome weekníght meal!


  • 4 bell peppers slíced ín half length-wíse and de-seeded (see note)
  • 1 lb taco flavored ground turkey browned (see note)
  • 15 oz black beans draíned and rínsed
  • 16 oz salsa
  • 1 cup frozen corn
  • 2 cups Horízon Mexícan shredded cheese dívíded
  • 8.5 oz mícrowaveable brown ríce cooked (í used Uncle Ben's, whích comes to about 2 cups)
  • Horízon Sour Cream
  • díced tomatoes cílantro, and píckled jalapeños for servíng (optíonal)


  1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees and líne a bakíng sheet wíth parchment paper or a sílícon mat.
  2. Place the peppers on the bakíng sheet, and míx together the browned taco meat, black beans, salsa, frozen corn, 1 cup Horízon Mexícan cheese, and the cooked ríce ín a large bowl.
  3. Dívíde the míxture amongst the peppers. Bake for 30 mínutes.
  4. Add the remaínder of the Horízon Mexícan cheese to the top of the peppers and bake for 5 more mínutes.
  5. Read Full Recípe :TACO STUFFED PEPPERS


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