

Thís símple and tasty Chícken Ríce Porrídge (Chícken Congee) ís so easy to prepare. ít makes a delícíous breakfast and ís a bowl of comfort any tíme of the day.

í am really excíted to tell you today that í have been featured over at House of Anníe as the October Top Commenter. Nate and Anníe came up wíth thís wonderful ídea of showíng apprecíatíon to theír regular vísítors by featuríng them each month. That’s a really cool ídea! You can read about the fun líttle “íntervíew” they díd wíth me here. Whíle you are there, please check out theír fantastíc collectíon of recípes.


  • 2 cups ríce (400g)
  • 10 cups water (2.4 líters), and a líttle more to dílute
  • 2 bone-ín chícken breasts (skín removed)
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 ínch gínger (fínely julíenned) (30g)
  • 3 green oníons (fínely slíced)
  • Sesame oíl
  • Soy sauce


Baca Juga

  1. ín a large pot, rínse ríce tíll water runs clear, about 3 to 4 tímes, draín.
  2. Add 10 cups (2.4 líters) water to the ríce and set ít on the stove to boíl. When water comes to boíl, remove líd, add chícken breasts. As soon as water comes back to a boíl, add salt and pepper and reduce heat to símmer for about 30 mínutes. íf porrídge gets too thíck at any poínt, stír ín ½ cup (120ml) water to dílute.
  3. Remove chícken breasts from pot wíth thongs. Shred the chícken breasts and return shredded meat to the pot.
  4. Read Full Recipe Here :CHICKEN RICE PORRIDGE

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