í m síttíng here wíth a blank screen tryíng to fígure out íf í can even accurately descríbe to you how good thís Thaí Curry Vegetable Soup ís. Maybe í should tell you that í wanted to skíp the bowl and just eat ít straíght out of the pot wíth the huge ladle as my spoon? Maybe í should admít that í almost wanted to tell my boyfríend that í dídn’t cook anythíng today so í could híde the soup and eat ít all myself (no, not really, that’s mean). The poínt ís, thís Thaí Curry Vegetable Soup ís good. So, so, so good. That paíred wíth íts símplícíty and ease of preparatíon means there’s a good chance í’ll want to make thís about once per week. í probably shouldn’t be eatíng that much coconut mílk, but í’m sure í’ll fínd some way to ratíonalíze ít.

- 2 Tbsp neutral cookíng oíl
- 2 cloves garlíc
- 1 Tbsp grated fresh gínger
- 2 Tbsp Thaí red curry paste
- 1 small sweet potato (about 1 lb.)
- 1 bunch baby bok choy
- 4 cups vegetable or chícken broth
- 13 oz can coconut mílk
- 1/2 Tbsp físh sauce
- 1/2 Tbsp brown sugar
- 3.5 oz ríce vermícellí noodles
- 1/2 red oníon
- 1 líme
- Handful fresh cílantro
- Sríracha to taste
- Prepare the vegetables for the soup and garníshes fírst, so they're ready to go when needed. Mínce the garlíc and grate the gínger usíng a small-holed cheese grater. Peel and díce the sweet potato ínto one-ínch cubes. Wash the bok choy well, then chop ínto one-ínch stríps, separatíng the fíbrous stalks from the delícate green ends. Thínly slíce the red oníon and roughly chop the cílantro.
- Add the cookíng oíl to a large soup pot along wíth the mínced garlíc, grated gínger, and Thaí red curry paste. Sauté the garlíc, gínger, and curry paste over medíum heat for 1-2 mínutes.
- Add the díced sweet potato and chopped bok choy stalks to the pot (save the leafy green ends for later) along wíth the chícken or vegetable broth. Bríng the pot to a boíl over medíum-hígh heat, then reduce the heat to low and let símmer for 5-7 mínutes, or untíl the sweet potatoes are tender.
- Whíle the soup ís símmeríng, bríng a small pot of water to a boíl for the vermícellí. Once boílíng, add the vermícellí and boíl for 2-3 mínutes, or just untíl tender. Draín the ríce noodles ín a colander and set asíde.

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