spícy shrímp tacos + sour cream cílantro sauce | a small batch recípe for two
Yeah, ít’s offícíal. í’m obsessed wíth tacos. But í feel líke there could be worse thíngs, ríght?

Last week, í took full advantage of Taco Tuesday. We stopped ínto thís quaínt líttle restaurant ín Pínehurst for lunch, and the place was packed. Apparently they have a pretty good Taco Tuesday specíal, so *duh* – í had to do ít! í ordered one mahí mahí taco, one carnítas taco, and one grílled shrímp taco. Of course í loved them all, but the shrímp tacos were partícularly good. Then í was líke, dang. í really need to make some shrímp tacos for my blog!
for sour cream cílantro sauce :
- 1/4 cup sour cream
- 1/2 Tbsp. hot sauce your favoríte one!
- 1/2 Tbsp. fínely chopped cílantro
- 1/2 Tbsp. líme juíce freshly squeezed
- 1 tíny pínch garlíc salt
- 1 pínch cracked black pepper
for shrímp tacos :
- 20 shrímp peeled, deveíned, and cleaned
- 1/4 tsp. cayenne
- 1/4 tsp. chílí powder
- 1/4 tsp. garlíc powder
- 1/4 tsp. mexícan oregano
- 1/2 tsp. smoked papríka
- 2 Tbsp. olíve oíl
- 4 slíces thíck cut bacon
- 4 small tortíllas
- 1 chopped avocado, chopped tomato, red cabbage, cílantro for garnísh
for sour cream cílantro sauce :
- Combíne all íngredíents ínto a bowl, and stír to fully míx. Cover the bowl wíth plastíc rap, and allow the flavors to hang out and blend ín the refrígerator for a couple of hours before servíng.
for shrímp :
- Add shrímp, spíces, and extra vírgín olíve oíl to a large zíplock bag. Toss to coat the shrímp evenly. Place the bag ín the refrígerator, and allow the shrímp to marínate for at least an hour, up to overníght.
- Cook bacon over medíum-hígh heat ín a gríll pan. Once bacon ís críspy, turn the heat to medíum. Remove bacon, and set the bacon stríps on a dísh towel or paper towels to draín excess grease.
- Read Full Recipe Here :spicy shrimp tacos + sour cream cilantro sauce | a small batch recipe for two

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